When I was pregnant with my first baby, I researched extensively to find out what I needed for a newborn. But, I quickly became overwhelmed by the vast array of baby products on the market. Now, I’ve had my second baby and know exactly what is needed for those first eight weeks your baby is considered a newborn.
Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what to buy inspired me to create this easy-to-read guide. It highlights my recommended and favorite essentials for the newborn period.
Sleep Essentials
Swaddles. Babies have a startle reflex, known as the Moro Reflex, which can disrupt their sleep. Swaddles are designed to keep their arms in place so that the reflex isn’t triggered. We bought a few swaddles before our baby was born and tested them out once she was here.
After having our second, we’ve realized that it really depends on the baby which swaddle works best. Our first baby liked her hands up, so we used the Love to Dream swaddle.
But then our second slept so much better with her arms swaddled and we started with the Halo Sleep swaddle. Soon enough though, she became stronger and kept freeing her arms. We then tried the Swaddle Me by Ingenuity swaddle and that worked great for her.
Important safety information: Once your baby shows signs of rolling, it is recommended not to swaddle anymore.
Sound Machine.
Safety Tip: Keep the sound machine below 50 decibels and place it at least 7 feet away from the baby.
Bassinet. W
Important Safety Information: Always place your baby on their back in the bassinet. Do not put anything in it besides the baby.

Baby Gear Essentials
Car Seat and Stroller. W
Swing. W
Important Safety Information: A swing is not considered safe for sleep.
Baby Carrier/ Wrap. W
Health & Safety Essentials
Gas Drops. W
. W
Important Safety Information: A swing is not considered safe for sleep.
Baby Carrier/ Wrap. W